The deadline for the submission of abstracts is Monday, 2nd April, 2001, but earlier submissions are encouraged. The first author must be a paid-up member of the International Colour Vision Society. It is hoped to notify authors of acceptance by 21 May 2001. The organisers would prefer to receive abstracts electronically. You can use the online submission form or send us the abstract as an e-mail attachment (RTF format) to abstracts@icvs2001.org.uk. If either of these methods is difficult, then send us a printed copy of your abstract with a copy on a floppy disk, saved in RTF format. Format of AbstractsThe style of the abstract should resemble that of recent ICVS meetings. The abstract should fit into a printing area of 120mm by 175mm, including title, authors and affiliations. The font should be Times New Roman (12pt), single spaced. It is not necessary to subdivide the text into 'Purpose', 'Methods' etc. Please put the title in bold and the authors in capitals but otherwise minimize the amount of special formatting you use, since that will assist us in introducing a uniform appearance to the abstract book. An example of an abstract is given below:
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